Heart to Heart Women’s Fall Bible Study Begins Today

A Women Who Doesn’t Quit Online Bible Study | Introduction


My mother-heart was broken as I watched my little one cry in exasperation on the football field. Bryan was only six years old and had wanted to play football with the big kids. I signed him up through the Parks and Recreation Department, and I was so excited to begin this new season of cheering for my budding athlete on the sidelines.

Unfortunately, it was not as fun as either of us expected. He had always been my little brainiac, and he was not the aggressive type at all. While he was a fine little athlete, football was definitely not his cup of tea! Here he was in the hot Tennessee sun in the middle of August, in sheer misery in his helmet and padding, and he hated every practice so much. The coach was wonderful, and I wasn’t worried about his safety, but this was so much harder than either of us had expected.

He often cried and begged me to let him quit, and I had quite a dilemma. I remembered my habit of quitting everything I didn’t like as a young girl, like band and sports, and I had regretted it all my life. I didn’t want him to grow up to be a quitter like me. I wanted him to learn to persevere and to grow up to be a man who kept his commitments. I felt that there was something much bigger here than just quitting a football team. On the other hand, as a mother who loved her little boy so much, I couldn’t stand to see him cry in such misery. What could I do?

I prayed about it, and I felt that I couldn’t allow him to quit. I know – mean mom! However, this is how I explained it to him. I told him that since he had made a commitment to the team, he had to stick it out for the whole season. However, once the season was over, he would never have to play football ever again for the rest of his life if he didn’t want to. I think I cried harder than he ever did, but I felt certain I had made the right decision.

Once the games began, he actually ended up loving the sport. The weather had cooled quite a bit, and the practices had ceased. Now it was time to reap the benefit of his hard work. He actually had a lot of fun and made some good friends. He would have never known how fun it could be if he had quit. He had the satisfaction of seeing it through to the end. However, he never played football again after that! Ha ha! Instead, he found out soccer and tennis would be much more fun, and his lesson of endurance in football helped him tremendously to succeed in those sports. As a matter of fact, that one very difficult life lesson has stuck with him throughout his life and has carried over into his education and his career as well.

How many of us cannot stand to see our children uncomfortable? I know as moms, many of us would rather see our children happy than to watch them struggle. However, we often let them squirm a bit because we know it is good for their character. We want them to grow and to be the best they can be. An easy path with no resistance will never help them develop the character they need to be successful in life.

I imagine that our Heavenly Father sees us in the same way. He doesn’t want to see us struggle or go through the nasty trials of life, however He knows that when we do, we will actually become stronger. He allows us to exercise our faith muscles through life’s difficulties so that we will become women of character and strength. It is part of His plan for us! The whole process is intended to form us into the image of His Son. God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is about our character.

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29 NIV

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

How many things have we started but never finished?
Piano lessons?
Exercise routines?
New Year’s Resolutions?
Bible studies?
Choir or small groups at church?

I have quit everything from band to basketball to track to piano lessons to about 50,000 diets myself. In my younger years, I was the queen of quitting! When I first began doing Bible studies, I never finished them. I have so many partially written in books that I typically quit by the third week. In those days, I found myself backing away from relationships, church activities, hobbies, or anything that didn’t turn out the way I expected. If I felt I wasn’t going to be very good at something, I would quickly quit before I had the chance to fail. What is with that? What distracts us from keeping our commitments?

Can anyone relate?

As women of God, I believe our character matters. We are the only Jesus many people will ever see, and our character is what will set the example. In order for Jesus to shine through our lives, we must continually grow and mature in our walk with Christ, and that comes through our difficulties. When we struggle, we have the opportunity to develop perseverance which develops character which becomes hope. Let us cooperate with God’s plan and see what a marvelous work He will do in our lives!

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 NIV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 NIV

I am so glad God gave us examples in His Word as well as very clear directives in Scripture that help us live a life that gives Him glory. I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to shape our hearts and mold our character to become more like Christ. And, I am also so grateful for dear sisters that God has put in our path to support and encourage each other along the way. We do not walk this road alone, and we never have to do it in our own strength.

As we embark on this wonderful study together about Ruth, from the book, A Women Who Doesn’t Quit, by Nickie Koziarz, let us learn from each other as well as encourage each other on this journey! I cannot wait to see how He will move in our hearts over the next several weeks! It is not by mistake that each one of you are here. You have been called and chosen for such a time as this, so let us seek the Lord with all our hearts and allow Him to have His way.

I commit to you that I will be praying for you and seeking God’s direction for our ministry consistently. This is all about Him! May God be glorified in everything that is said and done throughout this study, and may each of you be infinitely blessed!

This week’s assignments:

  1. If you haven’t already, register for this study by leaving a comment on this page below.
  2. Be sure to subscribe so that you will receive updates for this Bible study by email. Just enter your email address in the field to the right and hit the subscribe button.
  3. Write a prayer in the front cover of your workbook and include the date. Make a written commitment to complete this study, and tell God how you hope to grow through it. Ask Him to help you stick with it and to speak to your heart throughout the study.
  4. Make sure you have joined our Facebook group, and decide which small group you will join. Look for the schedule in the pinned post. All groups are open, and you are welcome to attend any, all, or none, however you feel led. If you are unable to attend a group, you are welcome to read through the thread in the group later, or answer the discussion questions right here in the comments on this page.
  5. Complete week 1, pp. 12-39. You will need about 30 minutes per day, but some days will be more, and some will be less. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart before you begin each day, and pray that He will show you how to apply what you have learned.
  6. Optional: You may purchase the video bundle for this study for only $10, but this is not required. Watch the video for week 1.

Here are the discussion questions we will be discussing in our small groups:

QUESTION 1 (Q1): What is something you have started and finished, and how did it make you feel?
QUESTION 2 (Q2): What is something you started but quit? How did you feel?
QUESTION 3 (Q3): Why do you think we as women often struggle with perseverance? Why do we sometimes quit?
QUESTION 4 (Q4): Why do you think perseverance is an important quality in a Christian woman?
QUESTION 5 (Q5): What is something that tends to distract and detour us from doing Bible study?
QUESTION 6 (Q6): What do you hope to get out of this study?
BONUS: Let’s brainstorm Bible verses that encourage us to persevere, or to quit quitting.

Check our registration page for the reading schedule, where to purchase the books, and what to expect.

God bless!

Signature Shari

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5 thoughts on “Heart to Heart Women’s Fall Bible Study Begins Today

    1. Shari Lewis Post author

      Hello Amy! We are about halfway through this study. However, we have things going on in our Facebook group that you are welcome to participate in. You have the option of studying the book of Ruth directly and joining our small groups, or going ahead and purchasing the book and picking up where we are. I have designed the group discussions such that even those who fall behind with the reading, or those who start late can still be able to participate. We’ll be finished with study November 12th and will be doing an Advent study beginning the week after Thanksgiving. You are welcome to join us!


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