Jesus the One and Only | Week 5, The Christ of God



Image Source: Scene from Son of God movie, Lightworkers Media


Congratulations; we are halfway to the finish line! I am so proud of you all for sticking it out! And, if you are new, this is a great place to jump in!The lessons we are covering this week include spiritual warfare and Jesus casting out demons, the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, the healing of the woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years, the sending out of the 12 and understanding our own callings, providing for those in ministry, the feeding of the 5,000+ and God meeting our needs above and beyond, and learning to see through God’s perspective instead of man’s as Jesus began preparing the disciples for what He would have to endure.

This has been quite a full week, and I pray that these lessons have intensified your quest to know Christ more intimately!

I will not be going into as much detail on the blog this week, but I pray that the Holy Spirit has opened your eyes and illuminated the Words of Scripture to you hearts fresh and new this week. In our small group discussions, I will be including Scripture as a background to what we learned, and then we will delve more into practical and personal application. We have so much to glean from these wonderful accounts, and I can hardly wait to meet with you and discuss how this has touched your life!


Week Five Discussion Questions

ICE BREAKER: Where is your favorite place to go for a day trip, or your favorite thing to do on a day off?

QUESTION 1: On Day One, we read of the superhuman strength the demon possessed man had as he was able to break free from his shackles and overpower the exorcists who had tried to cast the demons out without the power and authority of Jesus. We then read of how God and Satan use our solitary places in very different ways. How can we know if our times of isolation are being used by God or by the enemy?

QUESTION 2: On Day 2, we read of the two intertwined miracles of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead, and of the women who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years touching the hem of Jesus’ cloak and being made whole. What analogy would you use to describe what Jesus felt when He felt the power “go out” from Him? How does this story touch you personally?

QUESTION 3: On Day 3, we see that Jesus gave the disciples great power and authority to go out and preach the kingdom, heal the sick, and cast out demons. This was a specific assignment that was given to them separately from their original calling to “fish for men.” We have a life-long calling, or purpose, for our lives, but we are also given specific assignments for certain seasons in our walk with God. What are some of God’s purposes for your life? What is your calling? Do you have a specific assignment currently?

QUESTION 4: When was the last time you saw Christ take the equivalent of a few fish and loaves and multiply them before your eyes?

QUESTION 5: Immediately after Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and Jesus had commended him that this was revealed to him by God Himself, Peter then gets a sharp rebuke from Jesus for seeing things as a man sees rather than seeing from God’s perspective. Peter could not stomach the idea of Jesus having to suffer and die because he could not grasp God’s purpose through the lens of his own, mortal understanding.

When we are struggling, how can we stir the things of God in our thinking rather than the things of man?

QUESTION 6: What is something you learned this week that you can personally apply to your life?


Homework for the Week

  1. Please work on the five days of homework in Week 6: “The Necessity,” pp. 124 – 146.
  2. (Optional) View Beth Moore’s video. (This is not required because of the cost. The study can be completed without the videos.) Here is a link to the viewer guides with the answers if you are unable to view the videos.
  3. Attend a small group meeting in our Heart to Heart Facebook group
  4. Scripture of the week:

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23 NIV


Have a blessed week!

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