Daily Word, 1 John 3:11-24, Love with Action, Not Just Words

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 1 John 3:18 NLT

Read 1 John 3:11-24.


I love you.

Yes, I do.

How can I say that when I don’t know you? God is love. If we have God, we have love. We know what real love is because of the example Jesus showed us when He gave His life for us. That is how we can truly love each other.

But, let us not love with mere words or feelings. Let us demonstrate our love with action. May we be willing to lay our lives down for each other.

One of John’s recurring themes through this letter is that we are to love one another. He has exhorted us often to live as obedient children in his writing as well. The way we live matters, and our righteous lifestyle will show that we belong to Christ. However, even more important, John instructs Christ followers that it is our love that proves the genuineness of our faith.

In verses 11-13, John encourages the believers who are being persecuted by referring to the story of Cain and Abel. Cain had murdered his brother out of jealousy because Abel’s sacrifice was pleasing to the Lord, but evil was found in Cain’s heart. In the same way, we shouldn’t be surprised that the world hates us because we are living righteously. However, John also warns us to not be like Cain and harbor hate in our hearts toward others. We are to love unconditionally.

As we have seen so far, John doesn’t mince words. He tells it like it is, such as in verses 14-15. The proof that we have passed from death to life, that is new life in Christ, is that we will love each other. However, John boldly declares that if any of us hates another brother or sister, we are murderers at heart. Ouch! It seems to harsh to lump hate and murder in the same category, but they really do have the same root and the same consequences. Murderers do not have eternal life within them.

We must be careful to catch ourselves if we are nursing grudges or contempt toward others. If we are, it is a symptom of something deeper, and the only remedy is to be full of the love of God. When our relationship with God is genuine, love comes naturally. However, we must be intentional about expressing that love to others.

How do we know how to love? Not only do we have the source of love within, but we have the most prime example in Christ. Verses 16-18 remind us that love is about action, not just words or sweet sentiments. Jesus laid down His life for us as the most perfect expression of love possible. Consequently, we are also to lay down our lives for each other. That does not necessarily mean that we will die for each other, but it is about living an unselfish and sacrificial lifestyle. It is about giving generously. We are not afraid to be inconvenienced for the sake of someone else because of our love for them.

Let’s add one more hard-to-swallow warning from John. He says that not only are we to love, but if we say we love but aren’t willing to give of ourselves for the sake of another, we are fooling ourselves. If we have plenty, but are unwilling to share compassionately with another who is in need, we do not have the love of God within. It is just an empty sentiment. So, let’s refrain from a bunch of empty words, but show our love for others through our actions.

John concludes the chapter by reminding us yet again of how our lifestyle proves the genuineness of our faith. It is our actions that prove we are walking in the truth, and if our lifestyle lines up to the character of God, we can stand confidently before Him at the end of time. Yet, if our hearts condemn us, and we are ridden with guilt, we can be comforted in knowing that God is greater than our feelings. He knows the true content of our hearts. He can redeem our lives and make us right with Him.

When our consciences are clear, and we have confidence in our right standing with God, we can approach the throne of God with boldness and confidence. We can therefore ask God for whatever we want and expect to receive.

That does not mean that we can have every whim we desire. This is not a “Name it; claim it” doctrine, or “Blab it; grab it,” but if our hearts are truly right with God, we will want what is in accordance with His will. That is how we can have confidence that we will receive what we ask.

And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him. (verse 22)

John summarizes this chapter by reminding us of our Christ’s commands. We are to believe in Jesus and love one another (verse 23). We will continue in fellowship with Christ when we obey His commands. We will abide in Him, and He in us, as we do what pleases Him. And we can know that He lives within us by the power of the Spirit He has given us.



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