Daily Word, 1 Samuel 19, The Narrow Escape


But on the way to Naioth in Ramah the Spirit of God came even upon Saul, and he, too, began to prophesy all the way to Naioth! 1 Samuel 19:23 NLT

Read 1 Samuel 19.


If you have ever felt trapped in a difficult circumstance or paralyzed by fear, today’s Daily Word, as well as the next several chapters, are for you! I pray this will strengthen your faith and comfort your heart.

We will also be exploring the beauty of friendship and loyalty. We need each other, and it is all part of God’s magnificent plan for us to be stronger together.

When we closed yesterday’s chapter, Saul had blown up with jealousy and rage and attempted to kill David with his spear. When David escaped, Saul then plotted with his servants and his son, Jonathan, to have David assassinated.

This is the first time the special bond between Jonathan and David is mentioned. Jonathan was a loyal ally to David, and he had great affection for his friend. He pleaded with his father on David’s behalf, citing David’s heroic feats and reminding him of much good David had done. He begged him not to sin so grievously against David.

What a blessing to have friends who are willing to risk it all on our behalf! I want to be a Jonathan kind of friend!

Because of Jonathan’s pleading, Saul softened his stance and promised to spare David. Jonathan then brought David back home, and he served Saul as before.

Eventually, war broke out again, as was the norm during Saul’s reign, and David led his men into another mighty victory. God was certainly with David, and he was successful in everything he did. This would be a pattern that would follow David throughout his life!

Before we proceed, I want to settle on this truth, that God takes care of His people. You may be hard pressed or discouraged at times. You may be wondering where to turn or how you are going to get through. Understand that God has a purpose for your life. His plans for you are good, and He will bring them to pass. Remain faithful to Him, and trust Him to see you through. He will protect and provide!

While we have settled into the warm fuzzies of God’s protection and loving care, David is faced with another crisis. Saul’s calm spirit is short lived, and the wild, evil spirit consumes him again. While David is playing the harp, Saul is again filled with rage and hurls his spear at David, trying again to kill him.

David barely escapes, and the spear is lodged into the wall. When he returns home in the night, Saul sends his men to watch his house and attack him the moment he tries to leave again. Michal, his wife and Saul’s daughter, insisted he escape this very night before her father succeeds in murdering him.

Just as God had used his devoted friend, Jonathan, to intercede on David’s behalf, God is also going to use his loving and faithful wife to protect him. We could create an entire lesson here just on the role of Godly wives to bless and minister to their husbands!

She came up with a fool-proof plan right on the spot! She helped him climb out the window, and then she put an idol in the bed under the blankets with some goat’s hair at the top. When Saul’s men came to capture David, she told them David was sick in bed. This bought him some time to escape into the night.

My question here, however, is where did she get the idol so quickly? David was a man after God’s heart. It surely wasn’t his! She must have had it handy in her home. In spite of her idol worship, God still used her to protect His anointed servant, David.

When the men returned to tell Saul that David was sick and in bed, he was furious! He demanded they bring him right away, even in his bed! Can you imagine how foolish they must have felt when they went back to get David and found only an idol in the bed? How were they going to face their angry master?

When Saul realized what his daughter had done, he went nutso on her! How could she have betrayed her own father?

Instead of truthfully declaring her love and loyalty to David, she lied about him threatening to kill her if she didn’t help him. Lying to get out of trouble usually creates more trouble.

What happens next reveals God’s supernatural protection of David, and this time, God did it Himself instead of using another person.

When we feel depleted of resources or friends, that is no problem for God Almighty! He can do what needs to be done on our behalf all by Himself if needed. There is nothing too difficult for Him!

David had arrived at Ramah to see Samuel, and Samuel provided a place for him to live. Saul heard about David’s location and sent his men to seize him.

However, when they came upon a group of prophets, led by Samuel, they began prophesying. Three different times, Saul sent his troops to capture David, and every time they were overwhelmed by the Spirit of God and began prophesying.

Frustrated, Saul decided to just go get David himself. This was getting crazy! However, just as it happened to Saul’s men, he also began prophesying. He tore off all his clothes and lay on the ground naked all night and day prophesying.

What an awesome ending to this chapter as we see what can happen in the presence of the Lord. No one is immune! God can move on anyone, and that brings us hope! His Spirit can penetrate even the hardest of hearts, can heal even the most broken or hurting hearts, can restore the one who is lost, can fill the empty heart, give rest to the weary hearts, fill the depressed hearts with joy, and can bring peace to the hearts that are consumed with fear. Whatever you need, God will provide. Everything we need is truly in Him!

Be encouraged and let not your heart be troubled. God bless!


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