10 Days of Giving Thanks 2017

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It’s almost Thanksgiving Day! This is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about having a heart of gratitude and giving thanks to God. It takes our eyes off our problems and reminds us of the manifold blessings God has given us. Sometimes we just need a reminder to take some time to count our blessings and celebrate the goodness of the Lord. We are going to take just 10 days at Heart to Heart to focus on giving God thanks.

I have put together some daily Scripture reading and simple activities for each day from November 13 – Thanksgiving Day. I will give you all of them here now and then post them individually each day in our Facebook group.

  1. Begin by reading the daily Scripture passage and meditate on its meaning. Pray that God will speak to your heart through the Scripture.
  2. To deepen your understanding and to engage more actively in the Word, you may also do the optional SOAP activity. This is an acronym for digging more deeply into a selected verse or passage. I have included a description and an example below.
  3. I have also included some activities for personal contemplation as well as group interaction with the Scripture passage. These are all optional, but encouraged.
  • S stands for Scripture. Writing Bible verses forces you to slow down and focus on it more intently. For this step, you simply write out the verse(s) of the day.
  • O stands for Observation. What are some things you observed from the entire passage you read today? What was specifically written about God? What are some commands? What may have occurred in this passage. You are essentially paraphrasing main points from the Scripture.
  • A stands for Application. How did this Scripture speak to you personally? What did you learn? Is there something you learned about God that is especially meaningful to you? Is there something you need to do in response to this passage?
  • P stands for Prayer. Write out a prayer corresponding to this Scripture. This is such a powerful tool to learn how to express to God what is on your heart.


Sample of SOAP entry from Psalm 136:1-26 (Day One)

S – Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

O – There is no end to God’s love. No one can do the wonders He does. God is good! His creation reveals what a wonderful God He is! He has performed great wonders for His people. He takes care of me. He is worthy of thanks.

A – When I am feeling small or insignificant, I need to remember the wonders of my Great God! Just like this chapter in Psalms, my faith is strengthened when I look at the wonders of creation and recount the wonders God has performed in my life. I will not take for granted or forget all He has done for me. I will have a grateful heart and celebrate the goodness of the Lord!

P – Lord, I bow before You and give You thanks and praise. Sometimes I get caught up in self or busyness and forget all that You have done for me. I thank You for these reminders today. All I can say is that I am so in awe of You! Thank You for delivering me from some scary storms in my life. Thank You for restoring what had been lost. Thank You that Your love endures forever! Thank You for these dear friends that You have put into my life online. I pray for You to bless each and every one of these sweet sisters and reveal Yourself in a new and powerful way to them during this Thanksgiving season. I love You Lord, and I give You glory, honor, and praise!


Here is a table with all the activities and Scriptures for each of the 10 days. If you need a printable version, click here for a pdf version. I hope this is a tremendous blessing to you!








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