A Women Who Doesn’t Quit | Week 3

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Congratulations on completing another powerful week of Bible study! I am so proud of your hard work and perseverance. Can you see yourself growing spiritually and developing character through in-depth study of the Word? There is nothing better!

We laid a great foundation in week 1 by reinforcing Scriptural concepts we see exemplified in the lives of Ruth and Naomi. Then, in week 2, we focused on accepting our assignment of refinement. How profound to compare and contrast the hardships and individual responses of each of these women.

Naomi simmered in bitterness while Ruth accepted her circumstances and resolved to do something about it. While Naomi’s feelings were justified, we learn that soaking in our grief takes us no closer to our destinies. When Ruth chose to accept what had happened to her and what she had to do, she was in line for God to rewrite her story.

Ruth 2:3 begins with the words, “She happened to be…” We are not talking about coincidence here! Ruth just so happened to be in the field of Boaz because she had made up her mind to get to work. Because she accepted her assignment of refinement, she was in the right place at the right time to walk into her divine destiny.

This is the first characteristic we take from Ruth, to accept our assignments of refinement. Accept what has happened; accept what God has for us; accept what we must do; accept what God will do in and through us because of it. Remember this takeaway from week 1:

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 NIV

As we move on to our third week of study, we will swallow quite a meaty morsel of spiritual food! One of the greatest hindrances to completing our God-given assignments is our feelings. Feelings of fear, insecurity, discouragement, shame, frustration, failure, weariness, and more can make us feel like quitting. However, we will learn this week to press on in spite of our feelings. That will be the key to unlocking our second characteristic from Ruth’s life – SHE FOLLOWS THROUGH DESPITE HOW SHE FEELS.

According to Dictionary.com, follow through is a verb phrase (or it can be used as a noun) that means…

a. to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc.
b. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion.

This week, we are going to make up our minds, just like Ruth did, to follow through with our commitments and our God-given assignments regardless of how we feel. Will it be easy? Definitely not! But, if we want to fulfill our glorious destinies in Christ, we must choose to trust and follow through.

Assignments for the week of October 10 – 17, 2016:

• Read and study the book of Ruth 2:4-13
• Complete week 3, pp. 70-85. You will need about 30 minutes per day, but some days will be more, and some will be less. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart before you begin each day, and pray that He will show you how to apply what you have learned.
• Optional: Watch the video for week 3. You may purchase the video bundle for this study at Lifeway.com for only $10, but this is not required.
• Join a small group this week. Look for the pinned post in our Facebook group for the schedule. If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to answer the discussion questions in a comment below or in your prayer journal.
• Watch my devotional video on our group page (usually posted on Wednesday) and join the discussion.
• Participate in group activities or view posts: Prayer thread, Wordless Wednesdays, Favorite Fridays, Weekend in the Word, and our daily Quit Quitting Verses.
• Tell someone about Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study and help spread the word on social media.

Discussion Questions for Week 2:

1. QUESTION 1 (Q1): In Ruth 1:16-17, Ruth makes these vows to Naomi, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”

What do you think it was like for Ruth to travel as a widow to a foreign land with her mother-in-law who was steeped in bitterness? Do you think she had days she wanted to go back on these vows? Why do you think she didn’t?

2. QUESTION 2 (Q2): How does someone who is bitter treat others?

3. QUESTION 3 (Q3): What are some positive ways we can handle our grief without becoming bitter like Naomi did? What do we learn from Ruth’s example?

4. QUESTION 4 (Q4): Ruth 2:2 says, “And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, ‘Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor’.”

We see here that instead of giving up because it was too difficult, or waiting to nurse her wounds for a while first, Ruth immediately went to work. Following her example, can you think of an area in your life in which you have been procrastinating and also need to “get to work?” What is one specific thing you can do this week to start working in this area?

5. QUESTION 5 (Q5): What are some assignments of refinement God is using in your life currently or in the past? What are some ways you see this strengthening your character?

6. QUESTION 6 (Q6): What is your favorite Quit Quitting verse of the week and why?


I hope you have a fantastic week of Bible study! I look forward to seeing you in small groups!

God bless!

Signature Shari


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